
It has rained for two days and we needed it. It’s a wonderful drizzly rain- the kind of rain needed for such dry ground.  I’m sure the grass is praising God as I am. But I’m one of those people who likes bright, sunny days.  Even though I’m thankful for these rainy days I was happy to hear the weatherman say we might see the sun tomorrow afternoon. I love the light!

John begins his gospel telling us about the coming of the Light.  Oh, how our world needs the Light of Jesus. Seeing so much evil around us can be depressing.  John says, “The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it” (John 1:5 NIV).  Jesus told us to let our light shine before men so they could see our good works. My light isn’t very bright sometimes. I let clouds of doubt or discouragement hide it.  Maybe you’ve been a little dim as well. Jesus is the Light of the world! The closer we stay to Jesus the more we will reflect His light. The world needs it.

Dear Jesus, help us shine for You!