

As I sit at my desk I can see the beauty of the fall season. I enjoy driving through the forested hillsides around my county.  The colors remind me of a calico cat sleeping in the sunshine and I find myself slowing down and watching the trees.  I think about the winter that’s coming and wondering how much snow we’ll get or how cold it will be.  I try not to linger on that thought too long.

The trees are changing colors because they are getting ready for a rest. They’re not wondering about the weather ahead.  So I shouldn’t either.    Rest. Sometimes I don’t get enough. You may have that problem as well. You may be too busy to take time to rest or maybe you have difficulty sleeping, as I often do.  My mind starts reliving the past and/or thinking about the future.  This election season makes us wonder what the future holds.  This morning I found a quote that Wayne had written on his note pad and tucked into a folder. It was what I needed to read.

The quote is from Lisa Beamer’s book, Let’s Roll.  “The only true security in this life comes from placing our trust in the God who loves us and is in complete control of the events of our lives and our world.” 

I know God is Sovereign and I know He loves me, but seeing that note today encouraged me to trust Him more. I don’t have to wonder and worry about the “what ifs” of this life.  I can be like the trees. I’ll rest and allow God’s peace to wash over me as the trees allow their colors to splash over the hillsides.

Slow down. Enjoy the view this fall.

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust'” (Psalm 91:1-2). 

2 thoughts on “Rest”

  1. Rest in Him is so much more than restorative…it seems to be the source of life itself…how very thankful we are for His Life in us!

    Thanks for reminding us…

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