Fifty Years

Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life” (Proverbs 16:31).

I recently attended my 50th college class reunion. I think there were about 40 people there and most of us were crowned with gray hair.  Fifty years is a long time and it doesn’t seem like I should be that old. Time seemed to move slowly through some of those years, but as I got older time seemed to move much too quickly. I’ve been thinking about my life and what I’ve accomplished in those 50 years. What did I do that mattered? I didn’t become famous or get my name on billboards.

I married Wayne the year after graduation and, with God’s help, we raised two daughters. I have always said that God filled in the empty spaces in our parenting.  Both daughters are Christ followers and active in their respective church families.  Both are raising families of their own giving me eight grandchildren, one who is already in heaven.

Wayne and I were married almost 48 years before his death.  Wayne was pastor of several churches where I helped with music, teaching children, or leading women’s Bible studies.  Our lives intertwined with many families during their good and bad times. Our desire was to be a godly example of what marriage and family should be. We weren’t perfect but with God’s help we learned and matured over the years. We remained faithful to God and to each other.

I have cleaned my house and prepared meals for overnight guests more times than I can remember. Our lives were enriched by other preachers, missionaries, friends from other countries, and friends who had moved away and returned for a visit. I still enjoy preparing for visitors to my home.

I taught school for many years. Some of those years were full time and other years were spent in substitute work so I would be more available for my girls. I may never know how many children or parents I have influenced with my life. Not all were positive relationships but again, God has been my rock. He has sustained me through the difficult years as well as the easier and more satisfying years.  I have been blest by parents and students who expressed their gratitude for my influence in their lives.

No, I didn’t become a famous writer or win any trophies for being a wife, mother, or teacher, but I have been blest.  My life matters.  Even as I face my life of widowhood God is my guide and sustainer and I know one day He will welcome me into His home if I remain faithful.  Thank you, God!

“…Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life” (Revelation 2:10).

One thought on “Fifty Years”

  1. Thank you for some of that gracious hospitality for over-nighters that you write about. It was lovely and peace-giving to be one of them several times!

    Congratulations on your making it to that reunion! Fifty years is really quite an accomplishment! Imagine all the good that those alums have done over their combined careers. Thanks be to God!

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