Introducing Molly



Molly came to live with me a few days ago.  She’s a mix-breed dog and they tell me she’s part cocker spaniel and miniature pinscher.  I don’t see any cocker spaniel, unless it’s her ears.  I started looking for a dog several weeks ago and had completed the application to adopt a dog through Pet Smart. Apparently that’s how shelters do it these days, at least the one in my county.  There was quite a fee attached.  I had resigned myself to the fact that the fee would have paid for much of the vet’s services and I would just accept that.

One day I mentioned to my cousin that I was looking for a companion dog.  He didn’t know of any, but later that day his wife called me.  Her daughter’s friend had taken in a stray dog and found out she was severely allergic to it.  The dog was free to a good home.  Did I mention Molly is a pup and not yet housebroken?  I didn’t want a puppy to train!  I wanted a furry, loveable, young dog.  I think God knew I needed Molly and she needed me.  I had talked to God about this decision. Knowing a dog would be company for me during the lonely evenings I still hesitated starting the search for one.

So here was a dog. She was lovable and cuddly they said. She didn’t shed too much. She was free. I made the contact and set a time to meet Molly.  I found her to be very friendly and submissive with eyes that melted my heart. So we put her in my car and started home.  She was scared and didn’t know what was going on. An hour and four throw-ups later we arrived at home. Molly lay in the grass recovering from her ordeal while I cleaned the car and washed the soiled towels.  We won’t be doing much traveling.

Molly is very happy to live with me. She has a small fenced area, but loves to race around in the field behind my house, ears flopping in the breeze. When I leave her for a day of substitute teaching I know she will be waiting to greet me on the back porch, jumping up and down with tail wagging.  She doesn’t like to be alone so my dad or sister-in-law will sometimes come to the house to keep her company for awhile.

Molly has taught me that she has much to give even if she wasn’t my first choice. I wonder if I have missed out on some friendship or blessing because I chose not to pursue it. Have I turned away from someone who needed me?  That’s something to think about.

(Molly thinks I’m not giving her enough attention! She hasn’t figured out this writing thing.)

“My brothers, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ,

don’t show favoritism” (James 2:1).

One thought on “Introducing Molly”

  1. Molly! A perfect name! WhooHoo for the two of you! Happy Trails!
    Seems like all of that search turned out just the way it was s’possed to…Thanks be to God. Blessings on both of you.

    PS I KNOW that I’ve missed out on some good things because I didn’t pursue a nudge.

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