Birds and Beast

I enjoy watching the birds come to my feeders.  I can watch them as I have breakfast or lunch and Molly has discovered she can also watch them come and go.  Little do those birds know about the beast that would love to chase them if she had the opportunity.  Little do they know about my pulling the seeds from the sunflowers I grew this past summer.  And of course they know nothing about the money spent to buy more birdseed for them to supplement the sunflower seeds.  They just happily come and eat.

I think I’m sometimes like those birds.  I am busy with life, enjoying my blessings, and acting like I’m doing it myself. Or, unlike the birds, I waste time worrying about something I have no control over, forgetting I should take it to God.  I can’t even take my next breath without God. So easy to forget, isn’t it?

Again, like those birds, unsuspecting of Molly’s desire to chase them away, I am not always aware that Satan is prowling around “like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).  I speak a word of gossip, complain about a little hardship, or let a slice of pride sneak into my attitude and the roaring lion pounces, ready to take down my Christian witness.  The Apostle Peter says we must be self-controlled and alert.

Praise God, we have His Spirit within us to help.  John reminds us “the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world” (1 John 4:4).  We also have other Christians to help. We should be encouraging each other as we walk this life together. I received two encouraging letters this past week.  I count it a blessing to have friends who encourage me!  Who can I encourage?

Enjoy the blessings, but watch out for the beast!

One thought on “Birds and Beast”

  1. This post was certainly an encouragement to me. Many thanks for all the reminders and especially those scriptures that uphold and strengthen always. Thanks be to God for Who He Is and How He Loves.
    Blessings to you and your family.

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