Family Reunion

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight (Ephesians 1:3-4).

Two years ago on June 1st the love of my life went home to be with the Lord. Three years ago on May 27th my mom went to her eternal home with the Lord.  Needless to say, these past few weeks have been weepy.  This past Sunday was the Annual Murphy Reunion with three brothers and their parents missing. The grandchildren (of Wayne’s parents) are grown and many are married with their own children.   My two daughters were able to attend the reunion along with four of my seven grandchildren. Since the weather was rainy we met at a church building instead of the park.  That made it a bit easier, I think, since we had not made memories in that setting.  I know that family reunions are difficult to maintain after a few generations but I’m glad this one is still going, at least for now.

Wayne and I, as well as our daughters, have many memories of those early years when Papa and sons would roast a pig. The process started very early in the morning and by noon everyone enjoyed barbeque sandwiches. Several traditions rose from those beginning years. One of which was Nannie’s pictures.  She always wanted a picture of all her children, one of her grandchildren and a picture of each of her children’s families. After Nannie’s home-going one of her daughters continued the photos. Now we have missing faces in the photos.

Families change over the years and death will come to all of us. Another generation will go on until death takes them as well. Death was not God’s intent when he created the world and mankind.  He wanted man to live and have fellowship with Him. But because of sin death entered the world and no one is exempt. What amazes me is that God planned for our salvation even before the creation of the world! (Ephesians 1) He created us to be holy and to live in “praise of his glorious grace.” So it’s more important for the generations to continue to live lives of holiness and praise to God than it is for the tradition of family reunions to go on.

I pray often for the younger generations. The culture today is accepting immoral living as a “right.” Those who stand for the truth of the Word of God are considered “intolerant.”  In fact some deny there is truth.  If we deny God’s truth we have no anchor, no moral compass to guide us. We have nothing but ourselves to live by. Living according to “me” is selfish and destructive. I need the grace of my Creator. That grace is available to every believer who chooses to accept it.  Then one day we will enjoy the greatest family reunion ever! Praise God!


One thought on “Family Reunion”

  1. Thanks so much for this post. Just thinking of that heavenly reunion brings such joy to any heart. Thanks be to God!

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