Memories with Daddy

The following memories were printed and tucked into my Dad’s Father’s Day card today.  Thanks for allowing me to share them with you. Today Daddy is 93 years old.  If you are blessed to still have your dad with you, take time to thank him. You may want to share some of your memories with him.

Memories with Daddy

Father’s Day 2017

I remember:

  • Going to church at Bethel and falling asleep with my head on his knee-wearing a scratchy, wool suit.
  • Daddy singing in Christmas programs at Bethel.
  • Daddy teaching my Sunday School class at Bethel and having us memorize much Scripture including much of Luke 2 and Matthew 28. To this day I can quote most of it.
  • As a very young girl, Daddy holding me up to see a pig-a very big pig in my little girl eyes!
  • Following barefoot behind Daddy as he plowed the field with the horses.
  • Riding one of the horses as he led it down to the creek to drink and feeling like I’d fall off when the horse reached down to the water.
  • Going to the creek with the whole family and Ivory soap during the summer months.
  • Riding an inner tube and Daddy pushing me out to the deep water where my feet didn’t touch the bottom-I was scared!
  • Riding with Daddy on the mowing machine pulled by horses. Did Mama really allow that?
  • The cozy feeling in the barn during the winter when the sheep came in at night. Little lambs walking across the mothers’ backs as they munched hay.
  • The thud as we threw down hay bales from the haymow.
  • (Before hay bales), watching Daddy thrust the hay fork into a bunch of hay and the horses pulling it up to be dropped into the haymow.
  • Later years, watching the bales move up the loader to be stacked.
  • Mama packing lunches and meeting Daddy at the hayfield to eat together.
  • Walking with Daddy through a field one day, looking at a white cloud, and Daddy talking about when Jesus comes back in the clouds.
  • Seeing Daddy read his Bible every morning.
  • Daddy holding Mama on his lap after supper.
  • Daddy teaching me to drive; I was driving home from church one Sunday and turned too short and hit the edge of the bridge. Daddy raised his voice and apologized later. (One of my many mess-ups!)
  • Daddy being present for the more emotional days; my baptism, high school graduation, college graduation, my wedding day!
  • Daddy taking time for my girls whenever we visited.

Thank you, Daddy, for the memories and for being there for me throughout my life.  I will always love you!


One thought on “Memories with Daddy”

  1. How very very very blessed you both are to have had and have each other! Happy Father’s Day to your dad.

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