
“Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life”  (Proverbs   16:31).

Birthday Thoughts

My birthday was last week-the 72nd one.  I’ve discovered as I get older I think about birthdays of the past more than looking forward to future birthdays.  I remember as a child I couldn’t wait to get a year older-old enough to go to school, old enough to drive, old enough to make my own decisions!  Now, I’m grateful for birthdays but not necessarily getting excited about the next one.  I’m more inclined to just enjoy or endure each day as it comes.  I suppose every day has a bit of enjoyment and endurance.  That will wait for a future blog.


My mother always made a birthday cake for me and my sister and brothers as we grew up.  We never had birthday parties but she made the day special with a cake after dinner and usually a gift.   I especially remember my sixth birthday.  My mother bought candle holders for the birthday candles!  We’d never had those before.  I think she’d just stick the candles in the cake. The candle holders were pink and shaped like little cakes. I think some of those may still be at the home place.  We later had other holders as well but never enough for bigger birthdays.

I also remember my 20th birthday. It was the first time I spent my birthday away from home.   I was taking a summer course at Shepherd College and staying in the dorm. Some of the girls in the dorm surprised me that night with a cake.

My 60th birthday was special because Wayne surprised me with a party. Many church friends and teaching colleagues attended. Our girls and their families were home that week. Those are always special times when the whole family is home together. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen very much anymore.

Wayne nearly always took me out to eat on my birthday. It was also our tradition when our girls got older for them to chose their favorite restaurant for dinner out on their birthdays.  I miss those days.

Getting Older

“The length of our days is seventy years—or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away” (Psalm 90:10).

Once we pass 70 we’ve lived the length of days mentioned in Psalm 90 and we realized how short life really is.  Time seems to move faster and faster.  When my children were young I remember feeling very tired but I also remember having time to do things together. Once they started school the pace picked up and when they reached high school those four years flew away in no time.  I was teaching during many of those years, so that made for less time together. I always enjoyed the summers with them and never wished for them to be back in school any sooner than September.  They went to college. They got married and the grandkids came!  Now the first three grandkids are going to college with the oldest one finishing her master’s degree.  I thank God for my family and all the memories but I wish for more time together.

“Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children” (Proverbs 17:6).

 Life’s Purpose

King Solomon denied himself nothing but when he looked at all he had achieved, he said it was “meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”  He came to the conclusion that all of us should attain. “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man” (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

I guess birthdays are a good time to take a look at where one has been and where one hopes to go. No matter what goals I set I must fear God and keep his commandments. Without God at the center of everything, life truly is meaningless. God gives me purpose. He wants fellowship with me. He wants to show His glory through me. He desires my complete trust in Him and my praise and adoration for Who He is-my Creator and my Savior! My life is nothing without God.

“Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain” (Psalm 127:1).






2 thoughts on “Birthday”

  1. Blessings on your new year! How we thank God for your birth and that we are so glad to know you!

    And gray hair…well….

    1. Thank you, my friend. I, too, am thankful for my birth. My mom told me it was a very difficult birth and my dad was remembering that day last week. I’m thankful they endured through the pain and the heat. God has been protecting me ever since through foolish decisions and dangerous events. Grateful.

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