“But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear” (Matthew 13:16).
The Boy came to visit this week. His mom and dad came, too. The Boy (aka. Youngest grandson) is full of energy, imagination, and love. We helped him celebrate his 7th birthday with a huge decorated cookie, gifts, and lunch at Cracker Barrel. He likes chicken and dumplings and ate them all. He spent a good chunk of time playing with his new Lego set Sunday afternoon. Mostly, he doesn’t spend a good chunk of time doing anything. He’s usually going from one thing to another. So Mom was happy with the Lego choice.
Molly likes The Boy, too, to a point. Even Molly has her limitations! She runs and jumps after The Boy around the yard and in the house. She lets him know when she’s had enough. It isn’t long until Molly’s curiosity gets the better of her and she’s back nipping at The Boy’s heels or looking for him when he hides. We’ve had a lot of tail wagging, giggling, and yelling and some barking around here this week. It’s definitely a change of pace for Molly and me and a welcome change, too!
Molly sharing her blanket with The Boy under Grandma’s desk while Grandma was at the computer.
As The Boy, Molly, and I were walking to the mailbox one evening the temptation to climb the bank on the side of the driveway was too much for The Boy. He started to climb the steep, dirt bank. I reminded him he’d just had his bath. Of course, that meant little to this rambunctious boy. I was reminded of the Bible verse I’d read that morning. “Blessed are your ears because they hear.” So I asked if he would like to have blessed ears. If so, he needed to learn to listen to Mom, Dad, and Grandma.
It’s a struggle to listen and to obey as children and I think as adults, too. Jesus said, “Blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear” when He was teaching with parables. The people often missed the message. I wonder if I miss the message. I wonder if my eyes are always open, watching to see what God is doing. Or, if my ears are really listening to what God may be telling me. I suspect I have missed some blessings because I was too busy to see God at work or to hear his voice.
Dear God, you have given us your creation, our families and friends, the Church, and most of all your Son, Jesus. Thank you for your mercy and love. May we allow the Holy Spirit to show us how you are working in our lives and in the Church. Help us to listen for how you want to include us in that work. Amen
What a precious entry this is! Eyes and ears to enjoy God’s creations and for His service…How we thank Him.