“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27).
I like to read just before falling asleep at night. At the beginning of this year I started reading Bob Martin’s book, God Our Father. This is a book of meditations in theology from creation to consummation and I have found it challenging and deep. Mr. Martin has filled his book with Scripture references as he points out the unique relationship of mankind and God from creation onward.
Mr. Martin words his ideas in such interesting ways I must write quotations. For example, when he begins his book discussing creation and how God created man in His own image and breathed into him the breath of life, he writes, “Consequently, man’s life had its origin in that life which is within God Himself. As such, it is a shared life, the purpose of which can only be found in Him whose life it is” (p. 17).
I’ve had to sometimes read paragraphs twice to get the full meaning into my brain and that was one of them. We should never doubt our purpose when we understand those words. On the other hand, without living our life for our Creator, what purpose do we have?
Continuing with the creation theme, Mr. Martin points out that God created man and woman for each other, but he also created them for Himself. God is love. God needed someone to love and someone to love Him.
Mr. Martin writes, “Nor can we assume that this need was already being fulfilled within the mystery of God’s being, embracing, as it does, the pre-existing Christ (cf. Jn. 1:1-3). For if man and woman, created in the image of God, were to ‘be fruitful and multiply’ (Gen. 1:28) in the fulfillment of their love – even though they already had each other with whom to share their love, would it not suggest that God, in whose image they had been created, should likewise ‘make man’ in the fulfillment of His love – even though there was already the ‘us’ with whom He shared in creating man and woman (Gen. 1:26)? There is, it seems, an ‘us’ about God, just as there is a ‘them’ about man (Gen. 1:27; 5:1-2), that leads, because of love, to the creation of life” (p. 18). Something to think about.
Bob Martin was Professor of Bible and Theology at Johnson University from 1973-2009. He went on to his reward in March 2010.
So glad you added that part about “reading twice”…or, for me…perhaps more than twice???
Lovely ideas put forth to ponder and wonder and eventually nod our heads with thanksgiving.