Human, Humility, Humor

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones”, (Proverbs 17:22).

 I was digging in the dirt today. I pulled weeds and planted a few seeds. Last week I planted tomatoes, cucumbers, and some impatiens.  When one is working in the dirt one’s body is in a humbled position.  As you may know, the word humble comes from a word meaning earth or ground?  I was down to earth today!

Several years ago I wrote the following:

The words humor, human, and humble are related words. I thought it might be interesting to research those and some other related words. God created humans from dirt.  When plants die they are humified. Humification is the process of making humus, the organic part of soil or dirt. The word humble comes from a word meaning earth.  When one is brought down to earth, literally or figuratively, humility or maybe humiliation is brought upon the human.  Where is the humor in that?  I was surprised by another meaning for the word, humor—“a normal functioning bodily semifluid or fluid (as the blood or lymph).” (Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary)

Humanity has no hope without Christ. The human is like living dirt until he humbles himself before his Maker who promises to lift him from his earthly life, fill him with the Holy Spirit, and one day change his human body into a glorious body like the Maker’s.   In the meantime, the humbled human becomes more humane to his fellow humans. May all humans enjoy some humor on this humble earth.   We need a little humor in our lives, do we not?

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves” (Philippians 2:3).

2 thoughts on “Human, Humility, Humor”

  1. You’ve always been the personification of humility, but you also have a great sense of humor!!! There are many other Godly qualities I admire about you (too many to mention!!), but I appreciate what a hard worker you’ve always been and how you are a great example of servant leadership! You’re a blessing and I love you. Judy

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