Obstacle or Obedient Follower?

“One day as he was teaching, Pharisees and teachers of the law, who had come from every village of Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem, were sitting there” (Luke 5:17).

 Luke tells us how Jesus had called his disciples and they obediently followed Him. He continues in chapter 5 to explain how the news of Jesus’ healing power spread after He healed the leper. In verses 17-26 we read about the healing of the paralytic. He had to be carried and let down through the roof in order to reach Jesus. When I read this account I wonder, was it because the Pharisees and teachers were sitting there in the way? Yes, Luke says there was a crowd, but he also says those Pharisees were “sitting there.”

Luke is very clear in stating that healing power was present with Jesus and the men carrying the paralytic were determined to get him to Jesus.  Jesus not only healed the man, but He also forgave his sins. The Pharisees and teachers complained about that since they obviously did not believe that Jesus had power and authority to forgive sins.

How often do I “sit there” when God’s power is present waiting for me to act? I’ve found that being retired can sometimes bring the temptation to not be productive with my life. I figure there will be another day to do whatever it is that needs doing. I’m working on that with God’s help. Jesus doesn’t want me to waste my time with self-pity or laziness.

Some days I act more like an obstacle than an obedient follower of Jesus.  Staying connected to God through His Word and through prayer is most important for an obedient follower.  Working at whatever I do as if I am doing it for the Lord puts the best perspective on my work. Doing the laundry and cleaning my house for the Lord! Yes, it is only by His blessings that I have those things to do. The writer of Ecclesiastes says, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might. . .” (Ecclesiastes 9:10a).

How will God use me today? I’ll get busy on the work at hand and allow Him to guide me from there.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving” (Colossians 3:23-24).




One thought on “Obstacle or Obedient Follower?”

  1. Funny how some of us are getting the same messages or nudges from the Lord around the same times… About a month ago I clearly knew that I should be paying attention to do something or somethings…and the word to me was, “Don’t hold back.” How many times I’ve realized after the fact/opportunity that I’d missed it? UGH!

    Thanks so much for the Biblical encouragement!

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