
“All spoke well of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his lips” (Luke 4:22).

“They were amazed at his teaching, because his message had authority” (Luke 4:32).

I’m reading through the gospels and I noticed that Luke mentions often how the people were astonished or amazed at Jesus’ miracles and teachings. I’m reading the words He spoke to the people 2000 years ago and I had to ask myself, “Am I amazed at His teachings and miracles?” I had to admit I’m often unaffected by what I read. Sometimes I read when I’m tired or distracted by other things and I don’t allow the Word to speak to my soul.  It’s hard to find those moments when I can fully give attention to the Word, but I must. I must read with fresh eyes and open heart. I must be amazed and astonished at the teachings and work of Jesus! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Jesus is at work today. The Creator of the universe is present with me and has promised to never leave me. In their song, Don’t Let Me Miss the Glory, Joe Beck and Carl Cartee remind me that all creation sings to the honor of His Name. Don’t let me miss the glory of Jesus’ teachings.

What is most amazing is that God planned for Jesus to suffer a cruel death He didn’t deserve, so I could be saved from punishment I deserved. Not only that.  He’s preparing a place where I can be with Him forever in the joys of heaven.  That will truly be a life of amazement!

Thank you, God, for your amazing love and grace!


One thought on “Amazed”

  1. Oh my goodness but we take so much of God’s Provision and Love for granted. Is it all those years of Sunday School and church that made me just make this such an “every day” kind of thing?

    Thanks so much for alerting us to this vulnerability. I am guilty certainly.

    Lord, increase in me that awe and wonder of it All.

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