More Prayer

“Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples” (Acts 9:1).

While reading the account of Saul’s Damascus road experience I was struck by how dangerous this man was. Saul of Tarsus was a terrorist. He had authority from the high priest to take men or women as prisoners just because they were followers of Christ. He was on his way to Damascus to do just that when he was stopped in his tracks. God had different plans for this man.

In our day, innocent folks are losing their lives because of the evil done by evil men or women. We hear of terrorists’ actions almost every day happening somewhere in the world. Maybe, we’re too immune to the awfulness of it all.  Many of these actions are taken against people because they are Christians. I’ve added these terrorists to my prayer list. No, I don’t have names, but God knows who they are. I pray that they will hear the gospel message, repent, and be saved allowing God to change their plans.

I don’t know if anyone was praying for Saul but God knew he was useful in His service. Using a man named Ananias God changed Saul from a terrorist to a teacher of the gospel. Even his name is changed. Saul is called Paul a little later in the book of Acts. I wonder how many terrorists would become Christians if the church were to pray earnestly for their salvation.  We pray for the safety of those in danger of the terrorists. We should also pray for the terrorists.

Think of Paul the preacher and how much his work impacted the Lord’s work. Much of the New Testament was written by Paul and he traveled to many places starting churches and encouraging the Christians. Maybe, there is a present-day terrorist that God can use as His instrument for His Kingdom work. Let’s pray for that one.

“Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you” (Luke 6:28).

One thought on “More Prayer”

  1. On the mark again with power in this post! Many thanks. As I read your post I was reminded of the power for good that comes when someone who has been a known terrorist is converted and is perceived by other terrorists as one of them.

    God will have HIS WAY, won’t HE?

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