Bearing Fruit

“This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit showing yourselves to be my disciples” (John 15:8). 

I’m familiar with the vine and branches passage in John 15, or so I thought. This time, when I read the passage, verse 8 got my attention.  I know the part about Jesus being the Vine and we need to stay connected and bear fruit or we’ll be cut off, and the branch that bears fruit will be pruned in order to bear more fruit. In verse 8, Jesus gives us the purpose for our fruit bearing—to bring glory to God our Father! In truth, I know my life is to bring glory to God—to make God look amazing, but I fail to live like I know it.

There is often too much of me in my life. Branches do not thrive without the vine. Why do I think I can thrive on my own? I cannot. God chose me to bear fruit for Him: remain in His love by obeying  His commands, and to love others. God wants His joy in me so that my joy is complete.  This only happens when I give God first place and my selfishness becomes less.

Fruit bearing is God’s work in me. Paul, in Galatians 5, calls this the fruit of the Spirit.  Peter exhorts us to add to our faith, goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; etc as a participation in the divine nature. (See 2 Peter 1:3-8)  This fruit is what I desire so I must seek and learn more of Jesus. I must submit my will to His.  Not easy. That’s why I must read and study the written Word so the Living Word can live in me.  And Jesus has promised to help. To God be the glory!

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you” (John 15:7).

One thought on “Bearing Fruit”

  1. Well said Diana. I know there is too much me as well sometimes. Thanks for sharing and being a good example to me.

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