Table Memories

My granddaughter, Rhiannan, gave me this for Christmas. It is hanging on my wall above the dining table. I think she was thinking of some memories made around that table.  So was I when I opened her perfect gift.

When I was growing up we all ate at the table for every meal, unless you were sick. Then my mom might bring some food to whoever was sick. Otherwise, the table was the meal place. I think some families are missing that today. When our girls were growing up Wayne and I expected the family to eat together also. We celebrated birthdays, discussed the day’s events or problems, and sometimes enjoyed our giggly girls when something stuck them as funny.  I remember playing Monopoly and other games with them around the table.

We always made Christmas Eve dinner a special candlelight dinner, and for many years we continued that when our girls, with their families, came home for Christmas. Grandchildren’s birthdays were celebrated around the table. We played games with them around the table. The grandchildren couldn’t wait until they were old enough to join the adult game, Contract Rummy, which was a carry-over from the Murphy side of the family.  Almost all of the grandchildren are adults now and we still enjoy that game when we’re together-I think we had 10 or more playing a few times this past Christmas!

Twelve members of our family can mingled a lot of conversation in with our meals. As the grandchildren grew and changed so did the conversations. And, I might add the food has changed some, too. No more spaghetti Os!

I remember meals when our girls began to cook and sometimes they’d do the meal for us.  I remember special treats such as pizza nights. After the girls were married and had their own families, I especially remember Wayne’s surprise for me one evening.  He would often prepare most or part of the evening meal when I worked full time.  As we finished one particular meal he reached over to the chair opposite of where I sat and picked up a plate of chocolate covered strawberries that had been hidden by the table. He had prepared them himself! Happy memory enjoying those strawberries–just the two of us around the table!

Jesus instituted a memory around the table with His disciples. Using the bread and wine He gave a way for us to remember the price of our salvation.  Psalm 23 reminds us our great Shepherd prepares a table for us in the presence of our enemies. I picture God providing a banquet table for us as he shelters and protects us from our enemies. God provides and protects us here on earth and He’s issued an invitation to the wedding supper of the Lamb! What a table of memories that will be!

“Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” Revelation 19:9

Enjoy your table memories!

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