Memories of Mom

“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you” (Exodus 20:12).

Dad, Mom, Diana
April 2011

My mom has been with Jesus for five years this month. I miss her, especially this season of the year. Flowers are blooming and she loved flowers. Many are still growing around the yard where she planted them. Just days before her death, my brother pushed Mom in her wheelchair to the side of the house where a beautiful peony was in full bloom. She was so happy to see those gorgeous blooms.

I remember:

  • Mom washed my long hair at the kitchen sink, while I cried and complained.
  • She made homemade bread and butter. I did the butter churning many times.
  • Mom cooked for men who came to help Dad on threshing day. The man who owned the threshing machine made the rounds to farmers who needed their grain threshed and more men came to help. After the cooking, there were dishes to wash and I and my mom were the dishwashers.
  • On one of those threshing days, my mom’s first electric range was delivered. She cooked on a wood-burning stove until then.
  • Mom and Dad invited preachers and families for dinner.
  • Mom enjoyed picking wild berries and expected me to tend the baby in the hot berry patch!
  • I was the oldest child so I remember my mom nursing and caring for my brothers and sister.
  • Mom enjoyed sitting in the front yard in the shade–no air conditioning until later.
  • Mom put aside the tithe money in a pretty teapot.
  • Helping Mom with canning vegetables and fruits. My job was to wash the jars since my hand would fit inside the jar. I remember wishing my hand would get too big to fit. It never did till I started canning.
  • Taking walks in the woods with Mom. We looked for wildflowers.
  • Playing the piano for Mom to sing her favorite gospel songs. Oh, how I wish I had enjoyed that more. As a kid I thought more about what I wanted to do.

I have regrets. I guess we all do. I’m thankful for a forgiving mother who loved me in spite of my shortcomings. I’m also thankful to have lived close to her during her last year of life.

If you’re blessed to still have your mom with you, enjoy that blessing and thank her. If your mom is missing on earth, enjoy your memories and thank God for them.

“May your father and mother be glad; may she who gave you birth rejoice!”  Proverbs 23:25

Happy Mother’s Day

3 thoughts on “Memories of Mom”

  1. Mom’s are truly one of God’s special gifts. We all have or had one. Memories keep are loved ones close at hand even though they are at home with Jesus. Like you, there are wonderful things we (Eric, Mylo, and I) have to remind us of how we grew up with a godly mother. She is missed but remembered daily. I also remember when you were at Grover and how you and Wayne were raising the girls. Teaching the youth as well to honor our parents. What a wonderful picture of you and your parents!
    As we missed the ECC Alumni Reunion this year we did not get to see you. I am so thankful for your Morning Thoughts. They are words of encouragement when they are needed most. I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day!

    1. Thank you, Caroline, for your kind thoughts. I have many happy memories of our years at Grover.

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