Attitude for Work

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:17)

My blog hasn’t even made it to my to-do list these past couple of weeks. I regret that but I’m discovering I’m capable of doing so much and then I’m done. (Can’t be old age!) I subbed for a teacher who was recovering from surgery for six days, made two trips to Richmond, VA for concerts and graduation of grandson, Ethan, attended a family reunion, a birthday party for a great-nephew, and led Children’s Worship for two Sundays. Today I finally got to my yard and garden work. Weeding and mulching today!

I’m not usually quite so busy, but I took the extra subbing days because the school was close by and the extra income will be helpful for the summer.

The verse from Colossians reminded me of the attitude I should have about everything I do whether I’m extra busy or not so much.  Later in that chapter, verses 23 and 24 state, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

My attitude should consist of working in the name of the Lord, working as though I am working for the Lord, and do it with gratitude. It’s the gratitude part I had trouble with while pulling weeds! It’s easy to be thankful for family events and milestones as well as the extra income. But weeds? Not so thankful! I am thankful I had the strength to do it and thankful for how good it looks when done. Now, if I can just get out of bed in the morning I’ll be thankful for that, too!

God bless all of you as you work at whatever you do.

2 thoughts on “Attitude for Work”

  1. Thanks for sharing this verse and your comments.

    Weeding is work and walking around that indoor track is often work for me. Early on I realized that each step was glorifying the Lord who makes even those steps possible. Seems that at “this age” even the smallest efforts are “work” to God’s Glory.

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