
“By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible”(Hebrews 11:3).

I was blessed this week by a visit of my youngest daughter and her family, along with their two cats. They left this morning after an almost four-day stay. I have another flower garden mulched and some clean windows that are too high for me to reach. I have new memories of games of Spinner and Contract Rummy, conversations (meaningful and otherwise), and just the joy of having grandsons, daughter and son-in-law close by for awhile.  My other daughter (TN) just had her second foot surgery so prayers are lifted in her behalf. I will travel there soon to help during her recovery.

Reading the book of Hebrews is another blessing I’m enjoying this summer. Most are familiar with the faith chapter (11) which lists so many of the Old Testament God followers and how their faith made them useful to Almighty God. With their faith they pleased God and carried out God’s purpose for their lives. What a great encouragement for us!

As I read verse 3 it dawned on me that our faith must start with accepting the fact that all that exists came from God’s command. We have to believe there was a time (which wasn’t really time. God started time when He created the world in six days.) when nothing we see existed. There was God the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. It was God’s command that brought what we see into existence.

The Hebrews writer goes on to say in verse 6, “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” 

God exists. He made everything else that exists.  We believe that, and seeking God we look forward to the reward that awaits us. Those saints of old suffered greatly for their faith. Yet, they remained faithful even though they didn’t receive what was promised (verse 39). Jesus came later.

“God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect” (Hebrews 11:40).

Through Jesus we have a way to the Creator. We can be a part of the faithful ones receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken (see Hebrews 12:28). What we see now will no longer exist. We look forward to the heavenly Jerusalem, thousand of angels in joyful assembly, and to the church of the firstborn.

One day time will end. The calendar will reveal its last month, our planners will run out of days and weeks, and clocks will no longer measure minutes and hours. God is creating a new heaven and a new earth where we, who remain faithful to the end, will join the faithful saints mentioned in Hebrews 11. Hallelujah!

“But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness” (2 Peter 3:13).

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