Stand Out

The West Virginia hills and mountains have lost a bit of their beauty in these cold winter months. The trees are leafless and stark against the horizon, except for those evergreens! Those pines, spruce, and, others (I’m not an expert on tree names.) are filling parts of the forests with full, dark green branches. While the deciduous trees are dormant and bare, those evergreens maintain their full branches throughout the winter months.

The evergreen trees I see from my windows seem to say, “stand out, be visible, don’t let the darkness determine how you live.” God’s people must stand out and be visible in our culture today. We are called to let our “lights shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” (Matt. 5:16). Our lives must attract the lost to Jesus, our Savior.

Sometimes it looks like evil is winning in our culture, but we know it will not win in the end. Be encouraged by God’s faithfulness and power as you stand tall, living abundantly, in the dark forest of evil.

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”

(John 10:10b).

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