Give God the Glory

“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness” (Psalm 115:1).

Let us ask God to bring glory to Himself as we:

  • Limit our travel
    • Home school the children
    • Care for the sick
    • Comfort the grieving
    • Call someone who needs encouragement
    • Pray for those, especially the Christians, around the world, who are also dealing with this problem
    • Find creative ways to connect with family and friends
    • Pray for government leaders, both local and national
    • Pray for those who may not be allowed to work their jobs
    • Do whatever you may add to this list

God is still on His throne and is not surprised by any of this. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His faithfulness never ends—let His name be praised through it all.

“The Lord remembers us and will bless us” (Psalm 115:12a)

I’m praising God for the week my daughter and grandson spent with me. Praying for their safety as they return home today. Let’s praise God for something every day! God bless you, my reader.

One thought on “Give God the Glory”

  1. Many thanks for this post. As I read it this morning, I was delighting in the sunshine streaming in our windows, thanking God for His Sunshine and especially for His “Son.” What warmth and glory is in His SON! Allelulia! We are so blessed!

    Thanks for this post. We share in glorifying Him.

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