Psalm 119, Part 2

“Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe” Proverbs 29:25

I found a helpful study of Psalm 119 by Warren Wiersbe  ( I decided to make a list of verbs that appear in the psalm: those that apply to the psalmist and me and those that apply to God.  And I’m writing another list of names used for God’s Word.

Names for God’s Word (in verses 1-40) are: word, laws, commands, statutes, decrees, precepts, and Your ways. (According to the NIV. KJV also includes: testimonies, judgments, and promises.)

Today I read verses 33-40 and noticed how the psalmist asked God to do something to help him live his life in obedience to God’s word. He asks God, “Teach me . . . give me understanding and I will keep your law and obey it with all my heart.” How often do I request God to teach me and give me understanding?  I admit I don’t do that often enough. That should be my prayer every time I sit down to read the Word. My obedience depends on how well I understand what I read.

The psalmist had another request of God in verses 36-38.

Turn my heart toward your statutes and not toward selfish gain. Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word. Fulfill your promise to your servant, so that you may be feared.”

Warren Wiersbe says, “To have one eye in the world and the other on the Word is to be double-minded, and God does not bless double-minded people.” (James 1:5-8)  A good reminder for all of us.

The psalmist depends on God’s promises and recognizes God’s awesome power and authority. He lives in a wholesome fear of the Lord. Again, I like Warren Wiersbe’s quote. “The fear of the Lord is the fear that conquers every fear. The fear of man is the fear that leads to bondage and defeat.”

I trust this virus-filled news environment does not have you living in fear. Trusting in God, not fearing the news, will benefit us as we live through these next days. God sees what’s happening and He’s still in control. Let’s keep our eyes on Him and His Word.

Dear God, I ask You to take away this virus. Help those who are sick to recover. Help all of us to trust You and keep us safe through this ordeal. In the Name of Jesus, Amen

Happy Easter! Christ is risen! Let us worship the One who will one day raise His children to live forever with Him!

One thought on “Psalm 119, Part 2”

  1. In this post, you have the most important post that you have ever written. This post says it all…and for our particular time.

    Many many thanks.


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