Give God Your Fear

“I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure” (Psalm 16:8-9).

There is much fear in society with this COVID-19. Terms such as “social distancing” have become common place. Wearing a mask is supposed to protect us (or not) from this virus enemy. We are afraid to touch another person. Should businesses reopen or not? Is it safe to go to church? We’re getting mixed messages from authorities who are supposed to know what’s right. We can see folks are getting restless. Are we seeing an increase in violence?

I don’t think a total lock-down of our economy was necessary and I’m afraid many businesses will not recover. Yes, there were many unknowns about this “enemy”, but we take risks every day of our lives. Just getting into our cars and driving on the highway is taking a risk. Yes, we are cautious, we are alert, and we take the risk. I’m thankful businesses are getting permission to reopen.

God does not intend for humans to live life apart from others. At creation God said it was not good for Adam to be alone. We are reminded in the New Testament to forgive one another (Ephesians 4:32), to encourage one another (Ephesians 4:29), and to love your neighbor as yourself (Galatians 5:14). As Christians we live God-centered lives and then others-centered. We are one body-Christ’s body, the Church. And we need to be together.

I’m happy to see churches opening their doors and meeting again, but not happy about the restrictions still imposed upon us. It’s been 3 months and I, for one, am tired of “social distancing”. Let’s give God  our fear and get on with life. Maybe not greeting one another with a “holy kiss” but I’d sure like to greet another with a “holy hug”.

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).

A Bible Study

“All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands” (1 Samuel 17:47).

I started a new Bible study using an online format. It’s called “Goliath Must Fall” by Louie Giglio. As soon as I did the first session I realized what a great follow-up this is to the National Day of Prayer theme of “Pray God’s Glory Across the Earth.”

Mr. Giglio starts by declaring who David is in the story of David and Goliath. We often put ourselves in place of David. We think, “With God’s help even little me can defeat the giant.” Mr. Giglio says we are not David, Jesus is. David was not motivated by his own safety. He was motivated by the fact that God was not receiving His glory.  David was all about giving glory to God.

So, as I said last time, I needed to be reminded to give God the glory. I ask myself, “Is God getting the glory in my life right now?” It’s a question I must address every day as I walk through life. When I let worry or fear control my thoughts and actions, I am not giving God the glory. I must give my fears to Jesus. He is willing and able to be in charge of my life. Am I willing to trust Him to take care of my worries and fears?

“I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me” (Psalm 3:5).

Here is the web site if you’d like to join in this Bible study.

God’s Glory

“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” (Habakkuk 2:14).

Last Thursday was National Day of Prayer with the theme, “Pray God’s Glory Across the Earth” referencing Habakkuk 2:14. I don’t know if you watched the prayer and worship broadcast that evening or not. I watched most of it and was encouraged. After these long weeks of restrictions on our lives it was refreshing to hear the prayers, Bible reading, and songs. But the impressive thing was the theme-praying God’s glory across the earth!

During this time I, for one, have become self-centered, thinking of my own wants and complaints. I had become complacent about giving God the glory. I spent too much time in self-pity and not enough time looking for the Lord’s working in all of this.

I recently spent some time reflecting on Ephesians chapter 1. (Sleepless nights drive me to the Word sometimes.)  The Apostle Paul writes in that passage we were chosen by God before the Creation to be forgiven and redeemed. We were chosen and given the promise of the Holy Spirit for the praise of His glory! We were adopted as children of God according to His pleasure and will.  Why do I not praise Him more? God was pleased to adopt me, sinner that I am, and lavished His love on me, “to the praise of His glorious grace”.  What a wonderful thought!

Filling the earth with God’s glory begins with each child of God. It’s not just saying, “praise the Lord” but living it, sharing it, proclaiming it! There is a whole world waiting for a flood of good news.

“Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness” (Psalm 115:1).

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31).

It’s Time

It’s May and we’re still living with restrictions on our lives. My exciting news this week is getting my hair cut. Some of my lady readers will relate to that as good news! I won’t be taking my hairdresser for granted anymore. I’m one of those “every six weeks” haircut gals and it had been 10 weeks. Finally, a weight lifted from my head!

I still enjoy reading a newspaper, the hold-in-your-hand newsprint and ink kind. But I noticed some changes in this week’s papers. Our daily paper has received so little advertising it has to cut out publishing two days a week. 

Our county paper, printed once a week, includes those little society columns informing of us of birthdays, anniversaries, family and church events of different communities. I noticed those writers are having a hard time coming up with things to write about. One included a couple poems. Another one gave a list of things one could do to help someone in the community. The first thing on the list was “pray.” Another writer used humor to tell what she had learned during the pandemic. My favorites:

1. “The world has turned upside down. Old folks are sneaking out of the house, and their kids are yelling at them to stay indoors!”

2. “Does anyone know if we can take showers yet or should we just keep washing our hands?”

3. “Day 7 at home and the dog is looking at me like, ‘See? This is why I chew the furniture!’”

Humor helps, but I think it is time to lift the restrictions and allow people to work, play, worship, and live as usual. You may have heard the two doctors from California presenting their briefing about the virus.  I understand YouTube took it down. If you haven’t heard it, here’s another link to it:

It is worth listening to. This is about more than just a virus. It’s time to pray and pray some more for our country and our leaders. Our freedom is in danger. God’s Word stands forever. God is our Rock, our Strength, and our Salvation.

“I call on the Lord in my distress, and he answers me. Save me, O Lord, from lying lips and from deceitful tongues” (Psalm 120:1-2).