Independence Day

“If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:31-32).

We are gradually cleaning out the house my parents lived in for almost 70 years.  My dad lived there longer. We’ve discovered some interesting documents about their early life together and how they managed the farm in those early years. One of the most enjoyable items found were a few love letters between my mom and dad before they were married. Among those letters was the following poem.

Help Us, Dear God

Help us, dear God, in our troubles and sorrow,

Help us somehow for a bright tomorrow.

Let us have peace and liberty.

Please, in our country, let us be free.

Let us be free to live and love,

But all we can ask is help from above.

Help, Dear God, that only You can give.

Please, let us be free to love and to live.

Our boys have gone over there to fight,

To fight, Dear God, for what they know is right.

Somehow or other bring them back to us,

And let us live together in happiness.

Our boys are fighting for everyone,

And won’t come back till the battle’s done.

Somehow or other keep them close to Thee,

And please, Dear God, let our country be free.

          Written by Alice Sipes on November 19, 1943.

According to this is what happened that day.

Historical Events for 19th November, 1943

  • » Holocaust: Nazis liquidate Janowska known as Janowska concentration camp in Lemberg (Lviv), western Ukraine, murdering at least 6,000 Jews after a failed uprising and mass escape attempt.   (


Alice Sipes was my mother. I copied the poem she wrote (with minimal editing) because her plea is appropriate for today’s events.  We cannot celebrate Independence Day without remembering the sacrifices of those who fought for our independence and freedoms. Today, our freedom is in danger of being lost.

We’re not fighting a world war as we were in 1943. Thank God for that! We’re fighting a different kind of war. So, we plead, as well, for “peace and liberty”. God is still our help so we pray for our government leaders, our elections, and for wisdom. We pray for more government officials to recognize the sovereignty of God and that we, as God’s people, would remain faithful to our calling. Whether our country stands or falls, God remains. He is our “ever-present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1).

Happy Independence Day!

2 thoughts on “Independence Day”

  1. Amen and Amen.

    Loved the poem, its history and significance.

    We can see your parents in you. What a gift!

    (PS…Loved the photo, too. Many thanks!)

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