Cow Pow Wow

I woke up Sunday morning to a herd of black cows in my front yard! Many of you know I live on a farm between pastures and hay fields, but I’ve never had the whole herd of 20 plus cows come to my yard. Oh, there were two cows still on the right side of the fence. They must have missed the exodus through the gate mistake. That’s when a gate is left open, by mistake. I made three phone calls before I reached someone who could do something about it. Those cows didn’t listen to me!  The farmer’s friend (the farmer was working his other job) came and led them right back through the gate mistake-no problem at all!

My yard was a problem! The ground was soft and every hoof print was deep! Cows are heavy animals. I was imagining how it would be riding my lawn mower across the yard next spring–a bouncing ride for sure.  And the cow pies! Yikes! They were everywhere. I spent time crying over the whole mess. However, Farmer Kirk is a good friend, and he came the next day to clean up those messy piles and told me he could fix the hoof prints. I’m sure he’ll see to that before mowing time.

I wasn’t sure what lesson I was to learn from the cow pow wow, and then Wednesday happened. I was stunned and heartbroken as I saw the lawbreakers enter the Capitol building. Just like the cows, they were definitely not suppose to be there. Perhaps time will bring out the truth of the who, why, and how of that event  I have questions.

Our country and our government are in a mess. Gates were left open and evil came in. God and prayer are left out of our public schools. The definition of marriage is changed to include sexual immorality. Killing babies is legal! The legislature is trying to make a genderless society. Blasphemous prayers are uttered. Have we lost our minds?

Church, we must rise from our apathy, become students of the Word, make disciples, and fill our minds and life with prayer. I believe this is the only way to hold back the evil that has invaded our land. It seems truth cannot be found. The prophet Isaiah says of his day, “So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance; truth has stumbled in the streets, honesty cannot enter. Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey” (Isaiah 59:14-15).

Sounds a little like today, doesn’t it? Truth about matters of today may or may not come to light. Ultimately, truth is found in God’s Word.

We need gates of prayer!

“O righteous God, who searches minds and hearts, bring to an end the violence of the wicked and make the righteous secure” (Psalm 7:9).

“The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psalm 27:1).

One thought on “Cow Pow Wow”

  1. Amen. What a perfect comparison…and with your Biblical reference we know that God has seen versions of this again and again. Lord, Lord, Lord, have mercy, have mercy, have mercy. In the Name of Jesus.

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