Sure Signs of Spring

”As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease” Genesis 8:22

I am so grateful for this promise! And for the 62 degree-day we had recently! I’m seeing several calves now, daffodils coming through the snow, and water falling fast through the downspouts as the snow melts from my roof. All the snow will melt and spring will come. I am sure of it.

Not as many birds are coming to the feeders now. I’m guessing they can find seeds uncovered along the fence rows. The deer are coming closer to the house at night. I saw six of them in my backyard last night. Molly spends a lot of time barking and going in and out in the evening hours. The wild animals seem to find the food they need through the winter. God provides for all.

Molly and I can take our walks around the hayfields again without stomping through snow- a little mud, but most of the snow is gone. Molly is as excited as I am about that! She can sniff out the moles or whatever she’s interested in without digging through the snow. She’s even tried digging through the frozen snow a few times. Her company makes my walks more enjoyable.

God has  provided for me through this difficult winter and I’m grateful. Now, if I can just spot a robin!

2 thoughts on “Sure Signs of Spring”

  1. We need that scripture. We need to see those calves. We need those daffodils poking through the remaining snow. We need this beautiful creation. We needed this post.

    Many thanks.

    PS LOVE LOVE LOVE those photos!

  2. Feel free to come visit if you need a robin sighting. We have plenty. 😊

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