
“We wait in hope for the Lord;

he is our help and our shield.

In him our hearts rejoice,

for we trust in his holy name.

May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord,

even as we put our hope in you (Psalm 33:20-22).


I know my thoughts haven’t been going on paper or computer for awhile and there’s a reason. I don’t want my negativity to discourage my readers.  I am troubled, even dismayed, by the lack of leadership in the White House. Our country is rapidly dissolving into communistic control. I’m sad and sometimes, mad. I’ve made more phone calls, written more emails, and responded to more political surveys than I ever remember doing in the past.  My Congressman, Senators, and governor are hearing from me and my prayers continue for them all. God isn’t surprised or alarmed. He is Sovereign!

So, I’m going down memory lane today. This is my therapy and if you are encouraged that is an extra blessing. This time of year has always been one of anticipation: new life, greening of the landscape, warmer temperatures, flowers, birds, fresh garden vegetables, etc. Past spring seasons have been a time of great loss. My brother died in April 1988, my mom died in May of 2014, and Wayne in 2015.  My dad died in Dec. 2019 (not springtime, but still a loss).  My enjoyment of the season is sprinkled with tears and memories.

At Easter and on Mother’s Day Wayne would get me a plant. I still have a beautiful pink lily, I’ve moved a few times, as one of those gifts. He would choose a special Mother’s Day card and we almost always went out for dinner. Restaurants were usually crowded, but our wait would be minimal because it was  two of us. Our girls lived a distance away and weren’t usually home for that day. I miss Wayne, the plants, the cards and the dinners, but treasure the memories.

Every spring Wayne and I enjoyed getting a garden ready for planting. He did the soil prep and I helped get in the seeds or plants.  He trimmed bushes and always had our yard looking good with his expert mowing. Now I have the biggest yard we ever had and I’m doing it alone. I’m thankful I was able to get a riding mower. I am managing the trimming also, but it’s getting harder. A little at a time these days!  I treasure the memories of days when my job was to deliver glasses of ice water to Wayne, my gardener.

When Mother’s Day and Father’s Day roll around I find myself thinking, “I need to remember to buy a card.” Then, quickly, remembering I can’t mail cards to heaven.  It seems I’m seeing a lot of my mom in myself these days. She treasured the spring days and went for walks looking for wildflowers. Molly and I did that the other day. We found wildflowers. I took pictures and she sniffed around every rock and tree trunk. I thank God for this farm where, as a child, I followed my dad to do barn chores. Yes, I’ve mucked a few cow stalls.  But, I’ve also bottled fed some baby lambs.

I hope you’ll take time to love on your mom today and do something especially nice for her! If your mom is no longer with you, treasure the memories. Linger over your thoughts of days past a little longer and thank God for your Mother and her influence in your life. Even if your childhood was less than desired, your mom gave you life.

Today I am with my oldest daughter and four grandchildren. A blessing indeed! I came to TN to see my middle granddaughter graduate from college and it’s Mother’s Day! 

“Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her. Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring here praise at the city gate” (Proverbs 31:28-31).

Happy Mother’s Day


4 thoughts on “Memories”

  1. He is Lord of memories, too, isn’t He?. How we thank Him for our remembering all the wonderful relationships and love that He poured into our lives. And we thank you for helping us with all of that.

    Blessings on your Mother’s Day. We’ve seen how your daughters delight in being around you.

  2. So enjoyed this Diana. Thank you for your thoughts. Hope to see you in a couple of weeks. Hugs!

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