Prayer for Country

I invite you to join me in prayer today.

Dear God,

You are Creator and Sustainer of this world and the whole universe and yet You allow us to petition You for our wants and needs through prayer. Thank You. You are above all in power and authority. Isaiah proclaimed, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory” (Isaiah 6:3).  And we, like Isaiah, must reply we are people with unclean lips and live among people with unclean lips.  It seems we live in a culture drifting farther and farther from You and the truth of Your Word. Save us, Lord, from Satan’s lies and deceptions. Open our eyes to Your truth. Give us ears to hear Your call to repentance and hearts ready to receive Your forgiveness and salvation.

The United States of America is in trouble. This great Nation was founded on godly principles and now there are forces trying to wipe away our history, both the good and the bad. We know you allow nations to rise and fall and we recognize this may indeed be our fall. But today I plead for Your mercy. For the sake of our children and grandchildren and all future generations I ask for mercy. Save our country!

Help President Biden and Vice President Harris to recognize You as the Sovereign God that You are, to recognize that without You they have no power, to understand true wisdom comes from You; and I pray they will ask You for that wisdom. I pray for every member of the President’s Cabinet to turn their hearts toward You and seek Your wisdom and guidance as they advise the President.

I pray the evil forces that are determined to dismantle this Nation will be stopped. I ask You to strengthen the voices of reason that are trying desperately to speak truth and common sense into the affairs of our government. May more government leaders see the truth and be willing to stand strong for the truth.

Almighty God, we ask forgiveness for the evil ways we have walked as a nation, especially for the killing of innocent and unborn lives. Thank you for the states that are changing their laws to protect these precious lives. I pray for the Church to stand strong and to be the salt and light in the culture. Revive our hearts to love our neighbors enough to share the gospel with them. Help us point them to the Savior without condemnation. Let Your light shine through our every action.

We need You, Lord! We need Your wisdom and guidance. We trust You to be with us no matter what the political scenery looks like. You promised to never leave us and we know this world is not our final home. Help us to be faithful.  Amen

“O Righteous God, who searches minds and hearts, bring to an end the violence of the wicked and make the righteous secure” (Psalm 7:9).

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