“The Word Became Flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth”(John1:14).
The gold has arrived, but not the shiny coin kind. The golden leafy tree kind. Without cataracts I see the fall foliage in vivid colors this year. So thankful for the gift of sight! Driving over roads in my neck of the woods is like driving through golden tunnels.
Whenever I think about gold, I remember that Proverb, “A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver” (Proverbs 25:11). Imagine a silver basket full of golden apples that have been fashioned by an expert craftsman. Exquisite art, such as this, would be beautiful to behold! Are our spoken words as beautiful and valuable as a work of art?
I’m not referring to eloquent speeches. I’m referring to how our words affect the ones to whom we speak. Do we encourage with our words? Do we build up the confidence and esteem others feel? Are our words helpful?
I’m thinking of words like; “I love you.” “Let me help you.” “May I pray for you?” (And actually pray.) “You are a blessing to me.” “I’m sorry.” And you can continue the list. We all know how these words affect us in positive ways. And we all know how negative, hurtful words affect us, too.
As a teacher, I think often about my words and ask God to guide my thinking and the words I say. There is a reason James warns us, “Not many of you should presume to be teachers . . .” (James 3:1a). He goes on in chapter 3 and discusses how hard it is to control our tongues. James does give us a plan for controlling our tongues and that is “wisdom”. He describes the wisdom from God in James 3:17. It’s “pure, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” Does that describe the words we speak?
My words often fail that test, but James gives us a solution to that problem, as well. He says, “if any of you lacks wisdom he should ask God, who gives generously to all” (James 1:5). That is a prayer I must pray often.
God, the Creator of all, communicates with us through words. To know God, we must know His Word. Not just those written in the Bible, but The Word, Jesus Messiah. Our Savior!
End of day beauty.
Best rule I know for talkin’ is the same as the one for carpenterin’: Measure twice and saw once.
Speech is the index of the mind. (Quotes from Apples of Gold, compiled by Jo Petty. Author unknown_)