Get Up, Go

“And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route” (Matthew 2:12).

Do you ever feel like your “get up and go” has gotten up and gone? I have. Then I have to determine, is this just laziness or do I really need a rest? It can be either of those, you know.  I found myself in this place recently and did take time to rest for a few days after having most of my family here during Christmas/New Year weeks. I enjoyed every minute of their visit, but realized it also took much of my energy.

We spent three days without power during the coldest days of the year-single digits! Running the generator and keeping up with the gasoline supply was tiresome. We didn’t run it at night so the nights were very cold. Thankfully, power was restored before the third night! Praise to God and the folks working on the power lines.

So, yes, I was tired. I did the laundry and a bit of cleaning after everyone went home and then I rested. After a while I realized it was time to get up and get something done. I was bluntly reminded of this one day when someone on the radio was talking about the passage from Isaiah 52:1-3. In summary, it says wake up, get dressed, dust yourself off and get going. When God has something to say, He usually says it more than once.  The preacher’s sermon this past Sunday was just that: Discipleship requires us to listen to God, then get up and go where God says to go, using the wise men and Joseph, as examples.

The wise men went home a different way so King Herod would not harm the Baby Jesus and Joseph obeyed God by taking Mary and Jesus to safety in Egypt.  I don’t know what this year may bring my way, but whatever it is I am determined to listen to God’s leading and with His help, obey.

Today, I need to get up and go to my basement where all the Christmas stuff is waiting for me to put away.

Happy New Year!

“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth” (Psalm 46:10).

One thought on “Get Up, Go”

  1. Smiles of understanding here…many thanks.

    Blessings on your new year and its adventures in His Name.

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