God is Faithful

“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one” (2 Thess. 3:3).

I find myself needing more time to rest these days. Could it be due to “old age”?  Surely, not!  But, alas, it’s probably true. God has blessed me with many years and this body has served me well. I do my best to care for it, thanking God for His provision of good health.

God is faithful and I depend on His strength for every day. I’m a substitute teacher, so I ask God to especially strengthen me for those days. I’m amused when young children ask me about my wrinkly elbows or what’s that bump on your face, or what’s that thing in your ear? Children have no concept of what age does to our bodies. My hope is to show them the way to accept it, how to have a good attitude about the natural process of aging. And along the way teach them a little math and reading, while their teacher is absent.

The second part of 2 Thess. 3:3 says God will protect us from the evil one.  Oh, how I need that protection! It seems the evil one is determined to discourage and defeat every child of God. Our response must be to pray!

The Apostle Paul begins this section of chapter 3 with a request for prayer.

“Finally, brothers pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored just as it was with you. And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men, for not everyone has faith” (2 Thess. 3:1-2).

James reminds us “the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” Every man and woman who is in Christ is righteous! Jesus Christ took our sin punishment and gave us his righteousness. (We have none of our own.) It is our obligation to pray for each other. Our prayers will be heard by God who is faithful to strengthen us and protect us from the evil one!

On a personal note: My grandson, Austin, and I will be traveling to Poland the last week of May. The Polish Christians will be celebrating 70 years of Polish Christian Ministries. PCM supports the churches in Poland and helps in establishing new churches. My late husband, Wayne, served for 20 years in leading that ministry and I’ve wanted to make one more trip to see the people we both came to love. Please pray for our safety on this journey and for the continuing work of PCM.


One thought on “God is Faithful”

  1. What wonderful news! You’re heading to Poland again and with your grandson! Blessings on blessings!

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